How to Implement Content Security Policy in Your WordPress Site
Content Security Policy (CSP) is a security feature that protects your WordPress site from XSS, adware, clickjacking, spyware, and other…
Content Security Policy (CSP) is a security feature that protects your WordPress site from XSS, adware, clickjacking, spyware, and other…
WordPress, being the most popular content management system, attracts a fair amount of malicious attention. To prevent yours from falling…
In July 2018, Google Chrome started flagging sites without an SSL certificate as “not secure.” Any website still using HTTP…
WordPress CSRF (cross-site request forgery) attacks are one of the most common security vulnerabilities plugin, theme, and website developers have…
WordPress SEO spam is one of the most common security threats for websites using this CMS. It can get your…
WordPress is the most popular content management system, attracting many hackers wanting to exploit such a rich ecosystem for their…
Exploring WordPress security statistics is a great way to lose sleep at night if you’re a website owner. Still, it’s…
WordPress sites suffers hacks very frrequently. In fact, WordPress is one of the most targeted CMSs, which shouldn't come as…
These advanced WordPress security practices will help you secure your website even more after you’ve taken the basic, minimum-security measures…
WordPress is the world’s most popular CMS mainly because of its ease of use. While that's convenient for users, it…